Travel Agency Tribes Email Marketing

Don’t forget to ask. But you have to give first.

All that content is for three reasons.

  • To make you an authority on travel in your niche and location.
  • To build trust with people who frankly, don’t know you.
  • To make your visitor’s life better (the “give” part).

As we said before, having thin content that just sells and sells and sells is not enough. You have to give something too.

By adding all that destination content, you become trusted in your niche.

Now with each piece of content that you give, at the end of it, you have to ask for something too.

Here are things that work in almost all cases.

On a Destination Information Page about Paris

“Ask us about a trip to Paris”

On a Agent page
“Where are you going on your next trip?”

On an Blog post page about “Madrid”
“Start your trip to Madrid”

On your home page
“Where do you want to go?”

On a product page
“Find our more about this” or “Book this trip/cruise”

On all other pages
“Where do you want to go?”

All these buttons or links should go to a central lead capture page. The next section will talk about that.

Never use popups. Sure they work, but they’re annoying as heck.

Always have your phone number on every page.

Make sure there is a “Contact Us” link on every page, close to the phone number.

Next chapter: Generating Leads | Table of Contents

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