Travel Agency Tribes Email Marketing

The Marketing Templates

17 Behaviors of Successful Travel Marketers
They pick a destination or a niche and decide to be better than everybody else in that area of specialization.

1.They Specialize

They pick a destination or a niche and decide to be better than everybody else in that area of specialization. The modern travelers have access to a lot of internet tools that make them general travel agents. They will only pay you for your expertise in your niche.

2. They Personalize their Customer Care

Successful travel marketers understand that their business has to be better than the thousands of DIY solutions on the internet. They, therefore, customize their products to serve the tastes, needs, and preferences of their customers.

3. They Sell Experiences

Successful Travel Marketers go out of their way to get their customers into as many vacation experiences as they can afford. This means that vacationing has long ceased to be a break from work and has become “a break from work to really enjoy life”.

4. They Handle the Complex Issues

Customers can handle the small problems arising out of their trip. It is the more complex issues where they need your specialization. Handle their long cruise trips with finesse and you will get tens of referrals.

5. They Spend Their Time on Customers With Money To spend

Successful travel marketers recognize customers with money to spend on their travel products. These customers value their time more than money and will, therefore, pay top dollar to have you plan their trip.

6. They Mark Up Supplier’s Rates Instead of Taking Commissions

Collecting commissions is a hassle that successful travel marketers have no time for. They mark up the travel supplier net rates for better cash flow and profitability.

7. They Keep Learning In Order To Deliver Value

The changing travel marketplace needs a travel marketer that keeps re-inventing.

8. They Have Perfected Their Pitch

Successful Travel Marketers memorize the top 3 pitches that have consistently given them great results.

9. They Master The Art of Selling

Marketers are consultants cum salesmen. Their role is to build a long lasting relationship of trust and mutual benefit. Successful travel marketers know whom they should pay extra attention to.

10. They Continuously Build Their Brand

If someone is a successful travel marketer, then they have an easily recognized brand. Building a valuable brand that customers can associate with efficiency is a hard task. But once you have it, great reviews and customer endorsements will take your business to new heights.

11. They Invest in a Responsive Website

All successful marketers know this: A website must have a good design, must be easy to maintain and must have awesome content.

12. They Are Easily Accessible By Their Clients

Great travel marketers open their lines to allow the customers to reach them anytime. They use emails, social media, smartphones and Google voice to talk with their customers.

13. They Streamline Their Operations To Enhance Efficiency

Efficiency is the successful travel marketers’ second name. They develop personalized itineraries, price quotes and customer follow-up channels using the most up-to-date software.

14. They Know When To Start charging for Their Services

There is no rule of when to start charging the customer. Successful marketers know the right moment to start charging for their services, and when to give pro bono services.

15. They Are Big On Social Media

Social media is the new fuel for digital marketing. Great marketers know which social channel to use to get their brand message out.

16. They Know When To Get Help

Great travel marketers know their competitive edge. They know when to get good content writers, social media marketers, website designers etc.

17. They Are Obsessed With Quality Customer Care

Great travel marketers are eccentric about good customer care. They know getting a customer is one thing, but retaining the said customer is a lot of hard work.

If you are a travel marketer, feel free to talk to our consultants here for more tips on how to become the best travel marketer in your niche.

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