Travel Agency Tribes Email Marketing

The Marketing Templates

How To Pick the Best Travel Photos for Your Agency's Email Campaigns
​“A picture is worth a thousand words!” goes a phrase that has become such a cliché in a world where more than a billion images are uploaded on the internet daily. If you run a travel agency, however, you better take the phrase seriously.
“A picture is worth a thousand words!” goes a phrase that has become such a cliché in a world where more than a billion images are uploaded on the internet daily. If you run a travel agency, however, you better take the phrase seriously.
In the travel industry, perfect photos are not just aesthetics – they are marketing tools. In this guide, we will give you tips on how you can select the perfect image for your travel agency marketing campaign.


Ensure you own the image’s copyright or it has been labelled for reuse.


There must be an obvious tie-in to your campaign headline and content.


The image must not only be relevant but also compelling. It must be interesting, creative, eye catching and appealing.


If your image doesn’t excite your customers into sharing your content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and other social forums, perhaps you should rethink it.

High Quality

Ensure your image is not pixelated or blurred. Low quality images give an image of unprofessionalism.

Appropriate size

A high resolution travel picture takes long to load, and this, in turn, slows down your post’s overall loading. According to a report by Akamai, 40% of internet visitors abandon a page with hefty images if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Optimized for Mobile

Ensure that the image can load on tablets, smartphones, and desktops. Be careful with overlaying text on images or using screenshots as they usually do not come out great on smartphones. Before you publish your email, preview on your smartphone.

Images that Show Emotions

Positive emotions of happiness, love, excitement, friendship, and success encourage more reading of your email. Nobody loves being reminded how bad their life is.

People Photos

Photos with happy people do better than abstracts. Ask yourself this; what would you rather see – an infographic or a real image? Ensure that the people in the images are fashionably dressed for the occasion.
Studies have shown that even old people love seeing photos of young people and so unless your email’s title is specifically about old people, you should always use photos of young people.

The Photos’ Color Scheme

You want a photo with a color scheme that will complement the text and background on your email. Before you publish or send the emails, preview the images to ensure they are elegant.

Search for Images Matching your Email Title

You more likely to get a relevant image.

Google for Stories with Similar Title as Yours

On the first page of Google Search, open several of the stories and see what images they have used and use similar images for your email campaign.

Avoid “Cliché” Photos

Old stock photos never differentiates you from the crowd. Creativity is a leads magnet. Ensure your images shows “an-out-of-the-box” approach to email marketing.


Get images that are funny and your audience will fall in love. Nowadays, funny GIFs get more views than any other content posted online.
Get your own images
You will need Photoshop skills in order to customize the desired images.

Where to Get Travel Photos for Your Email Campaign:

Flickr – Make sure you give credit to the owner.
Pixabay – More than 1 million free images to choose from.
Gratisography – You don’t have to give credit for images sourced from here.
Picjumbo – Get a membership to get its most useful features. It is free to use.
Unsplash – You can use images from here without attribution.
Dreamstime – You have the option of getting free images or paying for the high quality ones.
Death to Stock – Subscribe here to get photos sent to your email.
Pixelmator – Use this app to edit photos if you don’t want to use the heavier Photoshop software.
imgur – If you are looking for funny images, this is the website to visit…and it is all free
JPEGmini – This software allows you to reduce image sizes without losing their quality.

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