Travel Agency Tribes Email Marketing

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Travel Marketing Insights: Ways to Send Quality Traffic Back to Your Website
A constantly growing website traffic eventually becomes your travel agency’s bread and butter.

A constantly growing website traffic eventually becomes your travel agency’s bread and butter. At Travel Agency Tribes, we have been looking for creative ways to get more traffic to our website. Here are some of the things we thought were worth investing some serious time in.

A constantly growing website traffic eventually becomes your travel agency’s bread and butter. At Travel Agency Tribes, we have been looking for creative ways to get more traffic to our website. Here are some of the things we thought were worth investing some serious time in.

#1 Use Twitter More Creatively

Create a twitter account and optimize the account for conversion by tweeting at least once per day with relevant content with links to your website. Follow industry influencers.

#2 Signup on Forums Related To Your Travel Niche

Once you have signed up, read the rules of the forum. Search engines love the forums because they have a lot of authority. Ensure that your forum is very active and that you always create a link back to your website.

#3 Start Conversation Threads

It is not enough to be an active member of a forum. If you can originate most the discussions, the search engines will drive lots of traffic back to your website. The trick is to look for emerging or trending issues in your niche and start a conversation. Make sure that you have created some piece of content on the topic that you introduce to the forum. This way, it will be easy to link back to your website.

#4 Choose the Social Media that Best for Your Niche

Sometimes, you will waste a lot of time updating and posting content into a social channel that is not working for you. In the beginning, you can start with a maximum of 5 channels, but after some time, it will become obvious which channel is bringing you lots of traffic. Pay more attention to the social channel that brings the most traffic.

#5 Make Well-researched Comments on Popular Blogs in Your Niche

Always make sure that your intelligent comments link back to your website. To find the popular blogs and influencers, you can use tools such as Google Analytics, BirdSong Analytics, Buzzsumo, Circloscope, and Tomoson.

#6 Optimize your Content for Low Volume Keywords

This may sound like a bad idea, but there is low competition in low volume keywords and you can rank for them quickly. If you keep optimizing for these words, they will build into tons of traffic to your website. Alternatively, you can use the knowledge gained building traffic for low volume keywords to start optimizing for high volume keywords.

#7 Answer Questions on

Travelers are always looking for incredible answers on Quora. Sometimes, people are not even looking to buy a travel product, but the fact that you answer the questions so well entices them to click on a link back to your website. Your answer will remain on Quora and every time somebody is looking to better a understand something in your niche, they will refer to your answer and onwards to your website.

#8 Build an Email List

If you have not been sending some informative articles to your past and future potential customers, then you are losing a lot of website traffic. Continuously expand the list of potential customers and keep them informed of your travel products, industry news, and bargain deals.

#9 Send Free Content to Influencers

If the influencers find your content insightful, they will share with all their followers and you will get tons of traffic.

#10 Reach Out To Popular Bloggers

Ask popular bloggers in your niche if you could review their product/content in exchange for putting a link in their content.

#11 Post to Reddit with Linkback to your Travel Website

Reddit allows you to share links with thousands of people around the world. Although Reddit allows some leeway in the kind of content you post, they have a very severe way of enforcing their content rules. Read and understand their rules before you post.

#12 Ask Family and Friends to Share Your Content

Your family and friends are your greatest supporters. They will share your content at no fee!

Looking for additional tips to drive traffic to your travel website? Click here to contact the Travel Agency Tribes consultants.

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