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Tracking Your Travel Agency's Website Traffic and User Behavior
​Tracking visitors to your website helps you to convert and retain customers. You will get better insights into how your website is attracting new leads, sales and repeat customers.
Tracking visitors to your website helps you to convert and retain customers. You will get better insights into how your website is attracting new leads, sales and repeat customers.
Although there are very many ways to track your website traffic, the easiest is the Google Analytics. And it is free!

What does Google Analytics Help You Track?

  • In-depth statistics about visitors to your website
  • In-depth statistics about sources of traffic to your website such as referral sources, advertising sources, search engines etc.

Why Should You Use Google Analytics?

Great Insights About Your Audience – Google analytics allows you to learn the intentions and behavior of every user that visits your website. With this data, you can customize your website for better user experience.
Understand Your Most Valuable Source – As much as understanding your customers is important, knowing where your most valuable customers come from will help you concentrate more on that source. Example: If you have more conversion rates on smartphones than on desktop, you will need to make some adjustments on desktop.
Understand User Behaviour – With Google Analytics’ flow visualization, you will get to understand each action a user undertook on your website. You will understand which content is a lead magnet and which lead to bouncing of your content.
Real-time Reporting – The Google Analytics live reporting tool allows you to track what customers do on your website in realtime.

How To Set Up Google Analytics

  • Create a gmail account (if you don’t already have it)
  • Use your gmail logins to establish an account at Google Analytics
  • Enter the name of your website and its URL
  • Select your industry and reporting time
  • Click on “Get Tracking ID” to get a Google Analytics code
Once you have a tracking code, it should be easy for you to install it into your website with the help of your website admin.

Understanding Your Website Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate refers the percentage of the total website visitors that leave your website without engaging with additional pages of your website’s content. It typically means that the visitors did not find anything of value or your website is difficult to navigate.
Identify the traffic sources that provide quality traffic so that you can improve the quality of the content for that source. The following terms are used to describe the bounce rate:
Entrance – This is the first time a visitor lands on your website.
Page view – This is recorded every time a customer navigates to a new page on your website.

Other Tracking Platforms

Before you try using the other website tracking websites, start by understanding how Google analytics work because it is free and very comprehensive.
Of course you do not have to do and learn all these. We have consultants at Travel Agencies who can do it for you. Click here to talk to one of them.

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