Travel Agency Tribes Email Marketing

''The money is in the list'' - Online business proverb

It costs 5 times less to keep a customer than to get a new one.

And the best way to keep your customer is to keep talking to them in a helpful way - frequently.

Some customers will hate it. But those you just unsubscribe. The others will keep you in their minds.

Anything less than a weekly newsletter is abusing your list. Why?

Because you’re not reminding them enough about you and your services.

I’m sure you already receive daily newsletters from some of North America’s largest retailers and online properties. Have you ever visited a website, then visited other websites and seen the ad for that website follow you around the web and show up in the most unlikeliest of places?

You never forget that, right?

So why are you shy about even sending a weekly newsletter? Some people whine that its too much email for their customers, then see 95% of their customers never come back.

The key is what you send in your newsletter.

It’s got to be product neutral, informative, helpful.

Blasting out product deals every week is going to turn off people pretty fast, pretty quickly.

Sending a PDF or Word document is shooting yourself in the foot (do you read PDF’s on your phone??).

Instead prepare any of the following:

  • The latest in travel news
  • Destinations you like or been to recently
  • Travel tips
  • New destination ideas

Always finish off with a call to action - ask the customer to “click here to start the next trip” or hit reply.

Always ensure if someone hits the “reply” button that reply will come to a real person.

Newsletters do not have to be fancy or be rocket science. Just be helpful, personal and direct.

But do it every week (at a minimum) and never stop.

Next chapter: Update it Frequently | Table of Contents

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