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Useful Money Saving Tips For Travelers
If you want to save money, avoid the pricey rooms with great views. You will probably spend most of your time travelling and not soaking in the beautiful views from your hotel room.

Forego the Views

If you want to save money, avoid the pricey rooms with great views. You will probably spend most of your time travelling and not soaking in the beautiful views from your hotel room.

Pack Everything You Need

Do you have a travelling checklist? If you don’t, you will spend money on non-essential travel expenses such as buying a warm jacket or toothpaste. You need to free up your money for travel experiences such as sightseeing, visiting museums, getting sunset boat rides etc.

Find Free Tours

If you are visiting modern cities such as Sydney, Tokyo, Venice, and London, there are free daily city tours offered to visitors…and you don’t have to spend a dime!

Shorten Your Travel Days

Any time you spend out of your house is an expense on your account. If there is any way you can shorten your trips, do it.

Tip Wisely

Your trips are not for leisure. You are in business. Ensure you learn the tipping customs of your destination. In Costa Rica, for example, the tip is part of your bill.

Check Your Credit Card For Offers

If you are travelling with American Express Platinum Card, then you have over 900 hotels around the world where you can get benefits such as free Wi-Fi, food and beverages discounts, and early check in etc.

Bring Your Own Meals and Drinks

Don’t buy food and drinks at the airport. They are usually very pricey.

Be Forex Savvy

Do you know when the Dollar is stronger/weaker against the local currency of your destination? There is a lot of saving to be made on forex.

Get the Tourist Discount Cards

Tourists almost always attract some discounts on dining, museums, tours, and public transport.

Off-Peak Travel

Schedule your flights and hotel bookings during off-peak seasons. There is an advantage in off-season travel in that the crowds are smaller and the pricing is reviewed downwards to attract more business.

Research Cheaper Options

With a little bit of digging or with the help of travel agents, you can get preferred seat on international carriers, hotel amenities, early check-ins and late checkouts etc. at cheap rates.

Use Technology

You can, for example, use the Skyscanner Everywhere to get the cheapest available flights in airports around the world. Your smartphone and travel apps will save you unnecessary expenses such as maps, torches, travel guides etc.

Layovers are Not All That Bad

If you are not hard-pressed for time, you can use indirect flights. They are cheaper.

Book Airport Parking Space in Advance

Booking your parking space on the day you are travelling is much more expensive.

Fly Into an Out-of-Way-Airport

Sometimes the difference between the flight ticket to your preferred airport and an out-of-way airport is material, even when there is a bus ticket involved.

Be Creative with Your Luggage

A great way to beat the luggage fees is to wear a few extra clothes to avoid the extra charges on heavy baggage. Even better, why don’t you weigh your luggage at home and ensure that it is below the limit weight allowed without additional charges?

Home Swaps

Instead of Airbnb where you still have to pay, why not get somebody trustworthy at your preferred destination who wants to visit your locality and swap homes?

Eat What Locals Eat

Imagine eating a bowl of noodles for only $1 in Thailand or Vietnam…trust the locals to find cheap ways to survive. Your favorite steak will probably be a pricey imported luxury.

Work During Your Trip

You can volunteer your services on a cruise ship, teach English, translate, or even pick grapes. If you are going on an extended trip, perhaps the best way to interact with the locals is to join them at their workplaces.

Take Out a Multiple Trip Insurance

On the spot travel insurance is usually more expensive than a year-round insurance policy.

For More Tips, Click Here.

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