Travel Agency Tribes Email Marketing

Here’s how to self-promote without being a shameless self-promoter.

Earlier we talked about agent pages.

About you
Each agent page should have a photo, a bio, clear name, title and contact info.

Keep your Bio to 2 paragraphs. The first paragraph should be about your specialty. The second paragraph should talk about your personal life.

Places you’ve been to
One of the things it should definitely have is a list of the places you’ve been to and why you like each place.

If you’re a cruise specialist, talk about the ships you’ve been on. If the Far East is a thing for you, talk about Japanese Culture.

Customer Testimonials
These should be included on the agent page as well, and can also be on a separate “testimonials” page that includes testimonials from all agents and directed to your agency in general.

Ask all agents to forward them to you. Many customers add testimonials these days by email, but others still provide a hand-written note.

Don’t keep them in a file somewhere. They need to be showcased.

(It it’s not online, it does not exist)

If the handwritten note is really elegant, it might make sense to scan it and put it up in the testimonials area.

Otherwise just type them out and add them to this page.

Agency News
In the blog you can talk about new agents that join. New services that you’ll begin to offer.

Whatever you do, don’t talk about product, talk about the utterly fantastic service that you offer. The customers who were blown away and totally enjoyed their trip because of you.

Hundreds of companies sell product online.

You’re selling your service.

Anonymized Quotes
Putting up anonymized quotes is really an amazing thing. As you send a quote to a customer, also send it to the person who updated your site.

Instruct them to remove the name, specific dates and keep destination, source, photos and prices. Add each one to a new page on your site. In no time at all you’ll have a ton of information about all the resorts you’re selling.

Next chapter: Newsletters | Table of Contents

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