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According to a government statement seen by Simple Flying, the country entered level three of its five-level scale, on June 1st. Level three allows for more sectors of the economy to resume services. One of the areas is its tourism industry.


We have a complete list of countries that can enter France updated below. The list includes the EU nations that have been able to travel to France since June, as well as the third-party countries outside the EU that were given permission to travel to France starting July 1, 2020.

Argentina Reopening Borders – But Only To Five Countries

Argentina – one of the most locked down countries on the planet is finally starting to show signs of reopening as it makes October 30 the day it will reopen borders for tourism to five of it South American neighbors. Starting on October 30th, residents of Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Boliva and Uruguay can enter Argentina by air and sea for the purposes of tourism.

Kenya prepares to resume international flights in August

Kenya is preparing to welcome tourists back next month and ease travel restrictions throughout the country with the return of international flights in August. In a statement issued last week, Kenya's president, Uhuru Kenyatta said international flights would resume from August 1 and domestic flights from July 15 as the country prepares to claw back vital income from its tourism industry.

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