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Ireland, the first European country to reenter a national shutdown as a second wave of coronavirus took hold of the continent, will now allow visitors who test negative for COVID-19 after their arrival to quarantine for as little as five days. Currently, visitors from the U.S. and most of Europe are required to quarantine for 14 days. That means, no weddings, funerals, in-person holiday shopping, or face-to-face visits with others


Peru officially reopened borders for international flights on October 5th, following the formal announcement made by President Martín Vizcarra on Friday, September 25th. Phase 4 of Peru’s economic reactivation plan started allowing: “The transport of passengers by rail, maritime and air transport is being authorized from Oct. 5,

Yearning to travel as COVID-19 drags on? Here's what you need to know now

As the COVID-19 pandemic drags on and provinces ease their lockdown restrictions, travel is opening up — slowly. Here's what you need to know now if you're yearning to take a trip — in Canada or beyond. Domestic travel Many Canadians have struggled this summer to figure out where they can vacation in Canada. That's because each province and territory has created its own travel rules in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and those rul

Nicaragua Reopening For Tourism – Everything You Need To Know

One interesting detail about Nicaragua reopening for tourism is the fact that they never truly closed in the first place. During the height of the pandemic when many other nations sealed their borders, the government of Nicaragua never issued a decree to fully close, very similar to the route Mexico took.

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