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Jordan will be reopening its borders for international tourism on September 8th, 2020 the Jordanian government has announced. The National Centre for Security and Crisis Management in Jordan has given the go ahead for international flights to resume

When can I travel to Portugal?

As lockdown restrictions across the UK slowly but surely ease, the public is itching to get away from it all and go on holiday. But just how likely is it that we can travel to Portugal this summer in the wake of the rule changes? Here’s everything you need to know: What are the lockdown restrictions in Portugal? In light of its coronavirus outbreak, Portugal declared a state of emergency; that was downgraded to a state of “public calamity” at the end of April, kicking off a three-stage

COVID-19 Still Around But Cyprus Open to Safe Tourists May 10

NICOSIA -- While still struggling to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, Cyprus will allow tourists from 65 countries to enter beginning May 10 if they have proof of being fully vaccinated, including those from the United States. Also welcome are visitors from the former Colonial ruler The United Kingdom, with the island a favorite lure for them although their government won't let them travel outside the country until May 15 for now.


After being closed for international tourism for months, Curaçao is happy to announce they have now reopened and are accepting tourists from all countries. Curaçao lifted entry bans and started welcoming tourists on June 12, 2020, adding more countries to the list July 1 and finally opening to all countries on January 1st, 2021.

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