Travel Agency Tribes Email Marketing

ey there,

You might have not heard from us in a while, so I thought today I'd pull aside the kimono.

So who are we? Why are we here? And what do we do?

The Who
A pretty diverse bunch of people, Ryan McElroy and Ericson Smith met to startup the company in 2010, but it took us a year to get started since Ericson (moi) was travelling in South-East Asia at the time.

We started things in South Florida, then moved to Canada where the company is located today. Along the way we picked up various team members around the world (yes, we're a largely virtual company).

The Why

Ryan has worked closely with Travel Consultants since 2004. He had an idea that Travel Agencies could do better online.

Not just have online brochures (which is what travel agency websites were at the time) -- but to actually generate a significant amount of new customers online.

My techology and online marketing background came in handy and after building out a platform for almost a year -- we put the first travel agency site online in November 2011.

Almost immediately they started getting new customers from their website.

Holy crap! It works!!!

What we do
Today things have grown quite a bit. We're no long a "website company" but have really started to push the edges of online marketing for hundreds and hundreds of travel agencies in North America.

Content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing. SEO.

All these things have come together to generate thousands of actual bookings over the years for our customers.

Growth has not been easy -- we've made mistakes.

But one thing that has made me especially proud -- is that literally 99.5% of our customers just never cancel.

If you think you could use more leads from your online activities, Click the link below and talk with us:

Your friend in travel marketing
Ericson Smith
Co-founder, marketing & technology.
Travel Agency Tribes

PS. Have a question about your travel agency website, newsletter or social media? Just hit reply, it comes directly to me!

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