Travel Agency Tribes Email Marketing

The Marketing Templates

How Travel Agencies Can Create an Effective Content Editorial Calendar
​An editorial calendar is the cornerstone of a travel agent’s content marketing plan.

An editorial calendar is the cornerstone of a travel agent’s content marketing plan. An editorial calendar helps you schedule;

  • The content you will produce.
  • The frequency of producing the content and
  • When you will publish the content.

You don’t want to get lost in the maze that is posting content on multiple channels, which by the way, is a must if you are going to run a successful content marketing campaign.

Some of the places you need to post to include LinkedIn, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest and of course replying to comments on your blogs.

So how do you create an effective newsletter to keep your content super organized? It is important to note that an ideal editorial calendar cannot be a template downloaded from the internet. Rather, you need to create a calendar that will complement your other obligations.

Use the following steps to create an editorial calendar that is specific to your case;

Step 1: Select a Platform Such as Google Calendar

  • Open Google Calendar.
  • Give yourself a whole month of experimenting so that by the time you are done with that month, you will have a concrete editorial plan.
  • Fill in all the regular stuff that you have to do on a particular day including your soccer practice, dinner with spouse, and a round of golf with friends etc.

Step 2: Fill in Your Work Schedule in the Calendar

Next, you want to drill down to the really important work and highlight it in a different color.

After you are done with the money making tasks, it is time to start filling all those empty spots with content creation. Successful travel agents have at least two hours of content creation every day. You can divide your content into blogs, newsletters for email marketing, infographics for webpages, SEO content, videos, call to action (CTAs), social media posts etc.

  • Pro Tip 1: You don’t have to do all of the above. Only concentrate on the content that will reach your customers easily and help you achieve your business objective.
  • Pro Tip 2: If it is traffic you are looking to rev up on your website, perhaps you need to put in more time creating videos and blogs.
  • Pro Tip 3: It is important to be consistent. You may decide to do 3 blogs and 3 videosper week and 1 newsletter per month. If that’s the case, you need consistently produce that content for a long period of time to start getting results.

Step 3: Follow Your Calendar Strictly

Put Reminders 2 hours before the time you are supposed to publish the content. This way, even if you forgot about a task, you still have enough time to complete and publish it.

As you do this more, you will find that you are spending less and less time creating content and a few spaces will start opening up on your calendar. If this happens, don’t be lazy…upgrade your content output!

A great editorial calendar helps you to better utilize your time. Sometimes, you will fall behind the schedule. If you find yourself there, don’t give up because the organized plan will help you get creative on how to strictly follow your schedule.

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